This French armoire was bought in a local sale in England very cheaply but a little worse for wear and needing a bit of tender loving care. We fixed it up so the door opened and closed properly, then set about painting it.
When something is quite ornate already becasue of the carving, I like to bring this out but not add to much colour and busyness otherwise you detract from the piece of furniture.

1. I first painted it all over in Country Grey, my Chalk Paint the colour of putty.

2. When this was dry I painted just the areas which were raised carving in Old White, my white which is like the colour of chalk.I just used the edge of the brush to put the white in rather than being very careful to help with the distressed look.

3. With a big brush and clear wax I brushed all over the dry paintwork

4. After wiping off any excess wax I then sanded the raised carving rubbing through to the Country Grey underneath and to the wood in some places.

5. I then appled some dark wax all over the carving and in the corners of the panels too then wiped off the excess leaving some quite dark wax in some places.