18 June 2013

What is Chalk Paint®?

You may have noticed that there has been some confusion recently about what Chalk Paint® is. I would like to help make things clearer.

So what is Chalk Paint®? 

Chalk Paint® is the brand name for the decorative paint that I (Annie Sloan) developed over 20 years ago. Back in 1990, there was no paint available with the properties I was looking for, so I decided to develop my own. I chose the name “Chalk Paint” because it was suggestive of its very matt—almost chalky—finish. There had never been a paint called by this name or made in the same way as mine before.

There are paints that contain whiting ('whiting' is the equivalent of chalk in the paint-making world), such as gesso and calcimine or distemper. There are also paints made with lime, such as whitewash. 

Chalk Paint® is different. It is not paint with chalk added to it. It is not chalkboard paint. It is not made by adding plaster of Paris or grout or even baking soda to an existing paint. Chalk Paint® is the unique decorative paint I developed for furniture, floors and walls, drawing on a lifetime of research and experience in working with paint and colour.

There are many paint products out there with different things to offer and I think it's wonderful that there are so many choices available to consumers. I'm also very happy that so many people have such an interest in paint making. I have written several books about making paint and traditional paint recipes – I love making paint too!

But just to be clear: there is only one Chalk Paint®.
Chalk Paint® is Annie Sloan paint.

Yours, Annie


  1. I am thrilled to have (so late in the game) discovered Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!!!!

  2. You go girl! I love this post, a powerful woman, in charge, with a vision and drive. You're an inspiration. Thanks.

  3. And that is why I love it!

  4. I have, for the first time purchased your paint. I am so excited to try it! Hopefully I will be able to do as beautiful a job as all the Annie Sloan painters out there. Perhaps I will be brave enough to post a picture!!


    1. You'll see that just by using ASCP painting becomes ready and fun!

  5. Through a lifetime I've painted many miles of surfaces using all sorts of applications. But I can't wait to use your paints which, to my delight, I've discovered can be found locally here in the U. S. Northwest.

  6. Just wish it was more readily available here in the northeast usa. Its a shame Lowes or Home Depot don't carry it. I have to travel 25 miles to get it.

    1. Hi Trudy, I live in the Northeast too, on the seacoast in New Hampshire. I know of a few places. Where are you? If you'd like, you can respond to me by email, aplaceforeverything12@gmail.com - Let's chat! Kathy

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  7. I've been in the business of decorative painting for more than 35 years. I've NEVER used a paint so user friendly and so versatile for finishing furniture and cabinetry. Although it's easy enough for a DIYer...as a professional finisher, Chalk Paint® has revolutionized by business! Thank you, Annie Sloan.

  8. Annie, I recently purchased some of your paints now available in Australia, and I love them! They are so easy to use and create with. I am so impressed that they do not have any odour either as I am unable to use paints that do.
    Congratulations on creating a wonderful product!

  9. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to connect with your product, Chalk Paint®. Finally, a paint that works for me. So many doors have been opened with the ability to create amazing finishes with this user friendly product. Thank you Annie

  10. Are you the one hassling small businesses and Etsy stores over the use of 2 common everyday words?

    Chalk....and paint?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Chalk paint is a brand name like Orange or Apple.. All registered brand names.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Its been around for 20 years and South Africa is only getting it now, Can't wait to try it! Thank you

  12. I want to see your paints in Turkey. When, when, when???

  13. To say it has changed my life is an understatement!

  14. Dear Annie,
    Your friendship and quality Chalk Paint® has changed my life. I have met so many new creative people, advanced my knowledge of paint and pigment and feel blessed to have you as a business mentor. You have been and still are always there to answer my many questions and listen to my ideas. My little shop is growing by leaps and bounds and word is getting out about that little shop in Old Town Warrenton, Va. I am becoming known as "The Paint Lady" and I love it!
    So Thank You Annie Sloan for being the sensitive and kind lady I know you to be. My high regard for you is carved in stone.

    Love you,
    Janet xox
    The Empty Nest

  15. I wish that I could become a stockist here in Peterborough Ontario Annie, instead of having to drive 3 hours for a can!

    Love you, and love your chalk paint. Ignore the haters!

    1. Where do you get your paint? I'm from Peterborough too & am dying to get my hands on some. I don't like the colours of "that other brand".

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    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. We have many more stockists selling my paint in Ontario than a year ago. Here's a link.

  16. Annie,
    I have been refurbishing furniture since I was 12 years old. Two college degrees and many, many years later, it is still what I love to do most. But it wasn't until I discovered your paint and watched the excitement it caused that I thought I could afford to open a small shop. I am eternally grateful for your dedication to small businesses like mine. My shop feels like my living room. I greet everyone personally and I can regularly talk to customers for 30 minutes or more about their projects and plans. I can't tell you how many times a day I get to scroll through "before" and "after" photos on my customer's cell phones. None of this could happen in a big box store. Thank you, thank you for believing in the power of small businesses.

    Molly Mansker

  17. Annie, you are right, there is only one Chalk Paint®. Thank you for bringing this quality, easy to use, paint to North America. Thank you for giving so many people, mostly women, the opportunity to live their dream, directly or indirectly, of owning their own business. Hundreds of small businesses, some online, some home based and many brick-and-mortar stores started because of you. They would not exist today if they hadn't discovered Chalk Paint™. Many brands of paint started because of you and wouldn't be in existence or be able to survive if it wasn't for Chalk Paint™. We should celebrate what you have done for small businesses not only in North America but Britain, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and now South Africa. You have given women all the world a chance to start that dream of owning their own business and to be able to control their own destiny. I am one of those and ever so thankful.

  18. Today I discovered your blog. I want to learn with you. I've never tried your paintings but my hobby is to change the look of furniture and accessories why I'm here.
    A big hug from Spain.

  19. Dear Annie
    I was sent e-mail to stockists@anniesloan.com before yesterday. Please check and reply to me ASAP.

  20. This is wonderful. I think that this is an awesome post because now I feel like I understand this product a little bit better now. Thank you for sharing.

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  21. ? I have used it on wood - am going the short route in asking y'all - how successful is it over metal? should I prime first? they are old lockers.
    thanks for the advice

  22. I tried your paint last month in Barbara Musselli's shop in Malibu and loved it. I live in Argentina and there is no Annie Sloan Chalk Paint here ...from BsAs, Argentina, Julia C.

  23. So its mean it has no chalk inside or its a brand or marketing name.
    interior painting edmonton ab

  24. I love your Chalk paint, Annie! I use it all the time.
    I just want to say that I understand why people are making their own- at least up here in Alaska. There is no where here in the state to buy it and $38 plus shipping is a lot to pay for a quart of paint (even though I pay it anyway- a lot of people will not.)
    I would buy so much more of it if I could find it here in town. I even looked into becoming a stockiest myself, but I don't have a store so I was told I could not.
    Seriously, I think the "vintage" stores here don't want to sell it because their furniture is so overpriced and they don't want to help people to DIY.
    So if there is any way to get it up here, please do! Myself and many of my friends would be so grateful!

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  25. I would like to try other kinds of paint, how about this one, are they effective compared with concrete paints?? Thank you.

    painting services york pa

  26. Hi
    I love chalk paint and have painted quite a few pieces of furniture. I have an old buffet that I wasn't planning on painting. I thought I would make it look "brighter" by applying hemp oil to it. It looks simply awful now as the oil sipped under the varnish in some spots making it look very blotchy. My question is:
    Can you paint with chalk paint over surface treated with hemp oil, or would the paint just not stick to it?

  27. The best paint ever! So easy to use, with a variety of different finishes. Love it! My favourite colour has to be Paris Grey :)

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  34. I'm so grateful for the chance to experience Chalk Paint! It's truly a game-changer and has exceeded my expectations. Can't wait to use it. MAC Technical Services is top-notch! Their expertise and professionalism really make them stand out. I highly recommend them for all your tech needs!
